Lets go Athens

Pedion Areos Park

In 1887, the specific area of ​​68,44 acres was included in the Town Plan and was designated as non-buildable public space. In 1935 and until 1940 tree planting was completed and technical works were conducted. In 1934, sixteen marble busts of heroes from the 1821 Greek War of Independence were created and exist to this day. In 1937, Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas unveiled the bronze equestrian statue of King Constantine at the main entrance. In 1952 the marble statue of Promachos Athena for the monument of the British, Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fell in Greece in the battles of 1941-45. In 1981 a monument was placed for the Sacred Band 1942–45.

There are 1.200 trees, 50.000 flowering plants, 7.500 bushes and 2.500 rose bushes that make up the Rose Garden, 2,2 acres of lawn and 2 acres of ground cover plants. It is ideal for hiking are the paths and paved walkways with a total surfaceof ​​35.250 sq.m. It has sufficient lighting for visitors to be able to wander during the day as well as at night.

The park belongs to the Region of Attica, is open 24 hours, has high vegetation with deciduous trees that creates shade in summer, but does not block sunlight in winter, which presents a special alternation of colors with green leaves and flowers. Among Mediterranean plants there is a fountain that creates a special microclimate. Visitor can rest on the benches found everywhere, but many prefer the ones placed around the plane trees.

Currently, the PediontouAreos Park, after the necessary interventions of the municipality in cooperation with the involved bodies, can be visited at all hours for walking, sports, relaxation and organizing events.

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